Election process of the Executive Board members: 2024-2026 mandate

Would you like to play an active part in the governance of FINE by becoming a member of the Executive Board? Send in your application before 15 October! Electoral campaign: from 30 October to 5 December 2024 Voting at the General Assembly on 5 December 2024 Would you...
FINE Europe Conference – 21st and 22nd of March 2024.

FINE Europe Conference – 21st and 22nd of March 2024.

Conference – 21st and 22nd of March 2024 Nursing education for a sustainable future :challenges and opportunities.   The next FINE Conference seeks to create a space for all stakeholders of nursing education, including students, clinicians and educators, to...

Webinar of the 24th of Nov 2023 – handouts & recording

Clinical reasoning. From classroom to clinical practice. From assessment to action It was conducted by Katrin Balzer from Lubeck University. Prof. Dr. Katrin Balzer is head of the Nursing Research Group and the Bachelor’s degree programmes in nursing and nursing...

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