Workgroup FINE 16th of  December 2021 : The subscription is opened and the agenda is available !

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The workgroup will be held in Brussels and will be live broadcasted with realtime translation. The detailled program will follow...


FINE WORKGROUP “Pedagogical innovation in nursing education” November 21-22, 2019 Madrid, Spain Program : link.  The presentations of the Madrid Workgroup are online : Helena Leino-Kipli :«Pedagogical innovation in nursing education : reflection on the...
Brussels 2018

Brussels 2018

23th WORKGROUP FINE Europe “Leadership: an essential component for nursing” November 22th-23th, 2018 Brussels, Belgium FINE Europe’s 23rd Workgroup took place on November 22nd and 23rd, 2018 in Brussels. The general meeting took place on November 22nd,...

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