FINE executive elections – candidates

Term of office 2024-2027 Discover the candidates standing for election to the FINE Europe Executive Committee. The current mandate of all members of the FINE Executive Committee will expire at the end of the Annual General Meeting on 5 December 2024. Consequently...

FINE Position paper on nurse education in Europe

" FINE Position paper on nurse education in Europe" Highlighting the crucial role of Nurse Education in Europe as a vital link in addressing the sustainability of the nursing workforce amongst the ongoing health crisis. Please find here below the link to the paper.

Registration to the next webinar (24th of Nov 2023)

Webinar on November 24, 2023, followed by our Annual General Assembly! The next webinar entitled "Clinical reasoning. From classroom to clinical practice. From assessment to action". It will be conducted by Katrin Balzer from Lubeck University. Prof. Dr. Katrin Balzer...




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