SAVE the date !

SAVE the date !

The workgroup will be held in Brussels and will be live broadcasted with realtime translation. The detailled program will follow soon.  

INFO FINE Elections December 2021

INFO FINE Elections December 2021

The European Federation of Educators in Nursing sciences (FINE), in accordance with its statutes, is holding an election to elect the 5 members of the Executive for the positions of President, Secretary General, Treasurer and 2 members of the Executive, from among the FINE members.

FINE Webinar 26 March 2021 : Slide decks available !

FINE Webinar 26 March 2021 : Slide decks available !

Slide Decks - FINE Webinar 26 March 2020 Learning from COVID experience: The perspective from Nursing education in EuropeKeynotes slide decks Prof. Fintan Sheerin (Ireland)Associate Professor in Intellectual Disability Nursing. Head of School. Editor-in-Chief, Journal...




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