Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

In 2020, FINE Europe reasserts its commitment to promoting excellence in nursing education and teaching skills. The organization reinforces its presence in the European region of the WHO, so as to meet the constantly evolving healthcare needs of our populations.  In...



FINE WORKGROUP "Pedagogical innovation in nursing education" November 21-22, 2019 Madrid, SpainProgram : link.  The presentations of the Madrid Workgroup are online : Helena Leino-Kipli :«Pedagogical innovation in nursing education : reflection on the challenges and...

AFDS – 17th national study days for care directors

AFDS – 17th national study days for care directors

AFDS - 17th Annual National Workshop of Directors of Care FINE participated in the AFDS (Association of French Directors of Care) national annual workshop, which took place in Lille from October 2nd to October 4th, 2019. Access the program: here. Cécile Dury presented...

Brussels 2018

Brussels 2018

23th WORKGROUP FINE Europe "Leadership: an essential component for nursing" November 22th-23th, 2018 Brussels, BelgiumFINE Europe’s 23rd Workgroup took place on November 22nd and 23rd, 2018 in Brussels. The general meeting took place on November 22nd, and, on this...

Malta 2018

Malta 2018

FINE CONFERENCE "Nursing and nursing education : From vision to action in a world in motion" February 21-23, 2018 Valletta Campus, University of MaltaThe Fine Europe Congress took place on 21, 22 and 23 February at the University of Malta - Valletta Campus. The theme...

Barcelona 2017

Barcelona 2017

FINE WORKSHOP "Pedagogical innovations in the development of nursing competencies for the excellence of care. Which skills are needed ? What possibilities are there ?" January 19th-20th, 2017 Barcelona, Spain




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