The European Federation of Educators in Nursing sciences (FINE), in accordance with its statutes, is holding an election to elect the 5 members of the Executive for the positions of President, Secretary General, Treasurer and 2 members of the Executive, from among the FINE members.

REMINDER: In accordance with Article 8 of the Statutes :

– The federation is governed by an executive board composed of at least five members. The members of the board shall come as far as possible from different countries. (…).

– The board shall consist of at least a president, a vice-president, a treasurer and a secretary. The functions of secretary and treasurer may be performed by one person.

Applications should be sent to the General Secretary Sophie Breedstraet: , by midnight on 15 November 2021.

The application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation and a project related to the FINE strategic plan.

– The names of the candidates for the presidency or for another position on the Executive Committee must be sent by the Secretary to the members at least 21 working days before the date of the election, i.e. 17 November 2021.

– Each member of the Executive Board shall be appointed for a period of three years and may thereafter be reappointed twice.

To vote, members must be in good standing.

One vote for institutional members.

Two votes for national members.

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