Sophie Breedstraet is an emergency nurse and educator. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Public Health from the Catholic University of Louvain, in French-speaking Belgium, in the field of community health. She also holds a CAPAES (Certificate in Pedagogical Aptitude for Higher Education).

From 1991 to 2001, she held clinical positions in a university multi-purpose emergency unit before getting involved in higher education.

Since 2001, she has taught different nursing courses before being in charge of pedagogical coordination, quality, and team management at the Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci in Brussels.

Currently, she is the health sector director and administrator at the Haute Ecole, where 13 paramedical degrees are offered.

Consecutively course instructor and course director at the ERC Belgium (European Resuscitation Council), she also has a Certificate in Disaster Medicine.

In addition to being a member of the ARSI and the Advisory Council on education at the SIDIIEF, she is also Secretary General of FINE Europe and President of FINE Bel-Lux.

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