Webinar FINE 11 December 2020 (free for charge)
Impact of Covid-19 crisis on nursing education in Europe
9h – Opening session : Cécile Dury, Présidente FINE
9h10 – Keynotes
- 9h10 Prof. Gabriele MEYER
- Professor of nursing science in charge of the Bachelor, Master and doctoral programme education teaching. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Germany
- 9h20 Prof. Maia GOGASHVILI
- Head of the Nursing Department and Nursing program leader at the University of Georgia.
- 9h30 Prof. Carol HALL
- Director of Global Engagement and Student Experience within the School of Health Sciences at The University of Nottingham. United Kingdom
- 9h40 Prof. Jane-Laure DANAN
- Directrice du service de Santé Bien -être Métropole DU GRAND -Nancy. Chercheure Associée EA4432 Université de lorraine. Directrice exécutive unité Française de Bioéthique UNESCO. France
- Isabelle BAYLE
- Directrice des soins, coordonnatrice des instituts de formation en santé du CH Saverne et du CH Sarrebourg. France
- Docteur en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation.
- Vice-présidente du CEFIEC en charge de la recherche et de l’innovation.
- 9h55 Prof. Azucena Pedraz
- Subdirector of the Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -UAM. Spain
- 10h05 Prof. Helena LEINO-KILPI
- Professor and chair Head of the Department on Nursing Science, University of Turku. Nurse director (part-time) Turku University Hospital. Finland
- 10h15 Prof. Brigita Skela Savic
- Professor, Research Councillor, Head of Institute Angele Boškin for research’s in Health Care Sciences. Head of Chair for Health Care Sciences. Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care. Jesenice, Slovenija
10h30 – Round table with the participants and with the participation of Ms Agata WALASZCZYK-TERRASSE, European Commission. Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Unit E5 – Regulation of Professions.
Moderators :
- Christophe Debout : FINE Vice-president – PhD Chaire santé Sciences Po/IDS UMR Inserm 1145, Responsable pédagogique IFITS, France
- Maria Cassar : FINE Vice-president, Head Department of Nursing, Coordinator, Master’s program in Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta
10h50 – Conclusions
- Maria Filomena Mendes Gaspar: FINE Vice-president, Coordinator Professor ESEL, Nursing Administration Department, Portugal
- Cécile Dury : FINE President, Director of Health sector, Henallux, Belgique
Having to cope with the health crisis of spring 2020, apart from the containment that was adopted by most countries, the national strategies observed were diverse.
Their impact on the nursing educational system was also heterogeneous, particularly in relation to the diversity of the curriculum and structures, but also their organization.
While creativity was required, it must be said that keeping nursing students in their learning pathway was a complex equation.
Some students were called upon to reinforce the healthcare workforce, but the objectives of this clinical immersion were different from those initially planned in their clinical placements.
Sometimes, the availability of nurse educators was a problem, as they were themselves mobilized in the clinical wards or had to care for their own children at home because of the closure of schools.
Clinical placements were also severely disrupted, and tutors were less available.
This period was a source of stress for all the actors but also sometimes constituted vicarious experiences.
While this pandemic is still there, at the end of the first wave, it is appropriate to measure its impact at different levels:
- The learning paths of students
- Pedagogy
- Clinical training
- Quality of life for students and trainers
- The employability of future nurses and nursing demographics whether or not a graduation delay has been decided upon
To provide an opportunity for pre-service nurse educators to share their experiences following the COVID wave of spring 2020 in order to identify international trends.
- Identify innovations introduced in both the educational and technological fields.
- Identify the difficulties encountered
- Compile the lessons learned in a crisis situation as well as in a normal operating mode.
- Measuring the first impacts of the crisis and the changes made to the system
- Formulate recommendations in this area
- Nurse educators, faculty and managers of school of nursing offering preregistration programme in nursing from the area covered by FINE organization.
December 11, 2020, 9 to 11 am.
Methods of implementation
- Webinar
- Synchronous