Workgroup – 7th and 8th of November 2022
Driving future developments in nursing education across Europe
Current and future proof education: challenges and opportunities.
Hybrid workgroup (physical and online) :
Agenda :
The objective of this FINE workgroup is to explore the gap between theory and practice in nursing within a European Tertiary Educational context; and how this area could and should be improved. Moreover, our common experience as nurse educators suggests that the gap between theory and practice in nursing education is nowadays even more related to clinical settings, as European policies across contemporary health care systems warrant high quality of nursing care.
In this sense FINE supports a more academic rationale for the clinical practice, and a research development of nurses.
Clinical practice of good quality must be intrinsic related with the newest evidence and research conducted either by nurses and also with other health professionals in multidisciplinary teams.
Specific Objectives: Nurse academics believe that bridging the gap between theory and practice cannot be accomplished by only changing the contemporary educational agenda and restructuring the theoretical content of the current curricula.
Instead, such a change would require the inclusion of other fundamental key-partners such as clinicians, patient associations and nurse students too. Thus, cultivating positive attitudes through widely participatory actions is mandatory in order to ensure long-lasting effects and optimum educational outcomes.
Leadership and collaboration are fundamental for an effective and strong link across a variety of learning and more complex environments.
Monday 7th November 2022
- 13h30 – 14h
Welcome of participants
- 14h00 – 14h15
Opening of the meeting
Cécile Dury, President FINE
- 14h15 – 15h00
Driving future developments in nursing education across Europe
Current and future proof education: challenges and opportunities.
Dr. Maria Filomena Mendes Gaspar, Vice President FINE
- 15h – 15h15
Studying in Greece : a student’s perspective.
Paola Gkizari
- 15h15-15h30
Coffee Break
- 15h30-17h
FINE general assembly
Current mandate :
Cécile Dury, President
Fintan Sheerin, General secretary
Maria Filomena Mendes Gaspar, Vice-President
Maria Cassar, Executive member
Dimitris Theofanidis, Executive member
Jean-Francois Jézégou, Treasurer
- 17h-17h30
Closing Cocktail
The dinner event will be held at the Officers’ Club of Thessaloniki at the heart of the city, next to the White tower, the city’s symbol on Monday evening at 20:00.
Cost : around 15 euros (everything included i.e. food and drinks), paid by the participant.
Tuesday 8th November 2022
- 8h30
Welcome and registration
9h00 – 09h15
Opening session
Cecile Dury
- 9h15 – 10h00
Reflection and Action: Ideating a Future for Nursing Education
Dr. Fintan Sheerin, PhD
Head of the School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland….
- 10h00 – 10h45
Primacy of clinical teaching in bridging the theory practice gap
Dr. Herdís Sveinsdóttir
Former Dean and professor at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Iceland
- 10h45 – 11h15
Coffee Break
- 11h15 – 12h00
Reflective Learning in Nursing
Dr. Stefanos Mantzoukas (RN, PhD, FEANS)
Associate Professor in Qualitative Research & Reflective Based Nursing Praxis
Director of Research Lab. Integrated Care, Health & Well-being
- 12h00 – 12h30
- 12h30 -14h
- 14h-14h15
Workgroup opening session
- 14h15-16h00
Workgroup FINE
Methodology: collective intelligence device, World Café
Animators : FINE advisory members
- 16h00-16h30
Plenary presentation : presentation of the results
- 17h00
Closing comment
Contact Persons :
Dimitrios Theofanidis
00 30 6945227796
Cécile Dury
00 32 (0)498144979
Organizing Committee :
Professor Nickolaos Bakalis
Head of Nursing Department, University of Patras
Mary Gouva
Professor of Patient’s Psychology, Head of Nursing Department, University of Ioannina
Professor Georgia Fasoi
Head of the Department of Nursing, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Director of Post Graduate Programme “Community and Public Health Nursing”
Christos Kleisiaris
Associate Professor of Home-based Nursing Care,
Hellenic Mediterranean University, Chair of the Nursing Department
Institute of Agri-Food and Life Sciences, University Research Centre |
Eugenia Minasidu RN, MSc, PhD
Chair, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing
International Hellenic University
Professor Pavlos Myrianthefs
Chair, Department of Nursing, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Director ICU at Agioi Anargyroi Hospital of Kifissia, Athens, Greece |
Ioanna V. Papathanasiou
Associate Professor, Head of Nursing Department, University of Thessaly
Dr Stefanos Mantzoukas
Associate Professor in Nursing
Director of Research Lab. Integrated Care, Health & Well-being
Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences
University of Ioannina
4th kilometer National Highway Str. Ioannina-Athens
Tziaferi Styliani RN, MSc, PhD,MEANS
National Secretary for ICOH
Chair of Nursing Dep. of UOP
Associate Professor in Community & Occupational Health Nursing (COHN)
University of Peloponnese
Faculty of Health Science, Dep. of Nursing
Location :
Nursing Department,
57400 Sindos,
Thessaloniki, Greece
+30 2310 013 500
Transportation :
Possibilities of Erasmus+ Mobilities
Registration fee :
100€ (Adherents FINE, FINE Bel-Lux)
130€ (Non-members) also including individual membership for one year
50€ for online attendance.